Nikki and Grandpa got to enjoy the whole day with Cael. Sean had to do some shopping for the week and take care of some things before returning to work tomorrow. Nikki got to spend over two hours holding and snuggling with Caelin this afternoon. He was utterly content in her arms and spent about twenty minutes wide awake staring into Mommy's eyes and observing the colorful lights on his monitors. He really did not make a peep until he became wet... really wet. Once a day he receives a dose of lasexs and the nurse said this would most likely go right through him and make him have heavy diapers. Heavy diaper, soaked swaddle blanket and drenched t-shirt on Mommy was more the case. Mommy didn't mind though; she was more concerned with Cael being wet and upset and getting cold. A fresh diaper and blanket for Cael and a fresh t-shirt for Mommy were quick remedies! :) ....Until it happened again, but this time it was in his bed and Daddy helped to dry Cael.
Caelin also got his first bath today! It wasn't a traditional bath because of all the lines. One of the nurses brought in soapy water and a sponge and washed Cael right in his bed. Daddy was excited because he got to help! Caelin, however, was not very excited... he was so mad! But it was good for him because he had lots of sticky residue left over from previous lines and it was making his skin stick together. Also, nurse Carrie gave him a very small taste of glucose (liquid sugar) on his binky but a small taste was all he needed. Instantly, his senses were stimulated and his crying ceased. Back to being a happy baby boy!
After his bath, he has just really been sleeping and making all sorts of cute faces. Even just watching him sleep makes us feel incredibly happy and proud. We have quickly discovered that there is NO better experience or feeling than that of parenthood.
If you have not yet visited the website of all the photos from Baby Face Portraits, you need to do that because they are UNBELIEVABLE!! We are the first people to ever have a photographer in the OR at Bayfront Baby Place. Both the photography company and the hospital asked for our consent to use these pictures for future advertising. Go to http://www.mybabyfaceportraits.com/home.htm
Click sign in and enter the privacy code "Q04A-47018"The pics truly are remarkable!!
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