Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting Ready for Surgery

Yesterday we posted about Caelin's heart surgery. Following that post, we got the results of his CT scan- everything was great and there was no bleeding. The doctor said on the initial ultrasound there was a bit of a bright spot and this often indicates bleeding/ a Germinal Matrix. She also said the ultrasound machines are not the greatest for diagnosing the bleeding, which is why they ordered a CT scan. So we were incredibly happy that his brain showed no signs of bleeding or ever having bled. So the surgery remained on schedule for Wednesday (this morning) at 7:00AM.

Last night Cael got weighed again and he was approximately 3409 grams which converts to approximately 7.51 pounds (most likely a little less because he had his cords connect to him and sometimes those add a little weight). He also got his second bath. Sean and I got to give him the bath this time! :) The first bath Sean helped the nurse and Caelin screamed pretty much the whole time. The second bath it was just Sean and I and Caelin at first did not like it but then ended up not minding it. :) He is such a good boy and he really responds well to Mommy and Daddy!

We did have quite the scare though yesterday- the IV in his hand was coming out. This is a big problem because his IV is what was supplying the prostaglandin to his body. The prostaglandin is the medication that was keeping his heart pumping. The nurse quickly called down the IV team to check it and they said it had to be replaced, that the risk was not worth trying to wait the extra 15 hours to see if it holds out (which we would agree with 100%). The IV team tried to put the IV in his right arm to give his left one a break, but after a few failed attempts, they had to go back to the right arm. The first one was in his hand and this second one was placed in his arm. The most amazing part of this whole process is that it probably lasted for a good 30 minutes before they were finished with connecting everything and Cael did not even scream. He made a couple whimpers in the beginning, but some sweeties and his binky cured that. We keep saying this, but our baby boy is an incredibly strong and resilient little guy who amazes us every minute.

Yesterday Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa all got to spend some good quality time cuddling with Caelin. Mommy was the last to hold him- she was holding him from 10:45PM until around 12:45AM. At this time, the nurse came back in because it was time for Caelin to get blood drawn for his gases. He did a pretty good job managing the pain of the foot prick and then fell asleep. He slept from 1:30AM until 5:00 AM without a binky and without waking up once- we could not believe it! The nurse actually had to wake him up at 5:00 to draw blood for tests that needed to be done before his surgery. The two things he hates are: 1) Being woken up 2) Getting his diaper changed (even though he is not a big fan of a wet diaper either- he hates being changed more lol). So this morning, the nurse woke him up, changed his diaper and then they attempted to draw blood. They first tried in his arm.. it was a no go. Then they tried pricking his foot three times and the blood just would not come. At this point he is screaming bloody murder and is, for the first time, inconsolable- the sweeties did not even work. With these failed attempts, the nurse had to contact the more experienced IV/lab nurse. After Mommy and Daddy finally got him to calm down, the second lab nurse came to draw blood... :( Our poor guy was just not having it this morning. But luckily the second nurse was successful and Mommy and Daddy were able to take over consoling him when she was done. He needed another diaper, so Caelin held Mommy's finger while Mommy was cheek to cheek with him singing, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and Daddy changed the diaper. Almost immediately Caelin stopped crying and did not mind Daddy changing his diaper. It was a great bonding moment for all three of us.

About an hour later he was taken into surgery and Mommy and Daddy gave him kisses and said their "See you laters." Caelin was sleeping and looked strong, ready for surgery.


  1. You keep making me cry at work! And it was very hard to read this very cute but hard to read font throught the tears. So here is a gentle request to use a less-cute font for all this very important info. I love you guys and cannot wait to hear that all is well with little Caelin.

    1. Sorry for making you tear up. But when I just checked back to look at the blog, I noticed it posted in a different font than what I chose & it has been doing weird stuff like that. This post was supposed to be in "Times" and it showed up in like script- so strange! Blogger has been frustrating me! Lol


We figured out how to adjust the settings so anyone can now make a comment! :)