Upon birth, Sean was able to follow Caelin to the CVICU to be with him as they began setting him up with all his lines and running the necessary tests. An echocardiogram was done immediately in his room to confirm the diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. There were no surprises on the echocardiogram and the doctors continued their evaluations. Sean stood by and watched as a team of 8-10 doctors and nurses worked to make sure Caelin was okay and to start him on the proper medications. Once all the initial IV's and monitors were attached, the doctors had Sean leave while they began their attempt to place an IV into Caelins umbilical cord to run the Prostaglandin medication, which keeps the valve in his heart open until surgery. While the doctors worked on Caelin, Sean went down to see Nikki for the first time since she was in the operating room getting sewn up. Caelin's Grandpa, Aunt Cassie, Great Aunt Keetha, and Great Great Aunt Angie all kept Nikki company while she began recovery.
After we ate dinner and Nikki began resting, Sean headed back up to be with Caelin. Although it was tough for Sean to leave Nikki after the surgery, Keith was with her so he knew she was in good hands. Around 11:00 PM the nurse said we would be able to hold Caelin, as he was progressing well. This was a wonderful surprise because up to this point, we were under the impression that we would not be able to hold him until after he is recovered from his surgery and many of the lines were off him. Sean sent Nikki a text message relaying the information so she could rest to prepare her body to hold him. Less than an hour later while Sean was trying to console him with his binky, the nurse asked him if he wanted to hold him. To his surprise and without any hesitation, Sean pulled up a chair. He took some pictures on his phone and sent them to Nikki to let her know their baby was doing great!
Friday morning at 1:30AM Nikki was feeling well enough to come upstairs to the CVICU to hold Caelin for the first time out of the operating room. Although it was difficult for Nikki to initially get out of bed into the wheel chair, her pain dissipated as she anticipated holding Caelin in her arms and kissing his cheeks. As she was holding him, he began to fuss and squirm. He was also turning his head constantly toward her chest and spitting out the binky. The nurse suggested that he recognized her scent and was wanting to breast feed. At this point, the doctor's said he would not be able to breast feed, so it was difficult for Nikki to know she had the ability to feed Caelin, and Caelin wanted to eat, but she was not allowed. But the rest of the early morning was full of joy as we both got to hold our son then get a little bit of sleep.
Each morning, all the doctors on the CVICU floor consult outside of each patient's room to discuss their progress, current medication levels, tests, and so on. The parents are invited to participate in these discussions. So at 8:30AM Sean came back down to get Nikki to be a part of the doctor consultation outside of Caelin's room. During this consultation, the doctors discussed how proud of his progress they were and mentioned the idea of breast feeding. Typically, babies with HLHS are not allowed to breast feed because of possible complications; however, as long as it is not stressful for him and the amount of time he feeds is restricted it can be beneficial. So in the late morning, Nikki was able to breastfeed for the first time. He latched on and even suckled for a little while- this bonding experience is one Nikki had been looking forward to since she found out she was pregnant.
The rest of the day progressed nicely- Grandpa was able to come up to the CVICU to visit and hold Caelin. A couple tears of joy strolled down Grandpa's face as Caelin was snuggled in his arms. Nikki was able to be mobile for a little on and off, was able to shower, and ended up getting her IV removed in the late afternoon/early evening. Caelin had a great Friday, too! And of course, Sean had a day full of love and happiness! :)
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