Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Becoming Routine... But Not For Long.

Monday was a great day! The biggest news is Daddy had to go back to work and it was definitely not easy. But he was able to get Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off, followed by break next week. With Cael, everything is relatively steady. His sugars were a little low, so they adjusted the levels in his TPN line (main nutrition) and he had to get another blood transfusion. Other than that, things are great! He is such a happy baby and has become quite talkative when he is awake. He spent a combined few hours awake today (at various times throughout the day). Grandpa also got to spend some time cuddling with him, as did Mommy! Daddy had a very busy day yesterday and arrived right after Caelin got his blood transfusion, so he (Cael) needed his rest. But Daddy is looking forward to lots and lots of cuddle time after school today.

Cael had an excellent night. He slept for a good amount of time and fussed minimally. He is such a good baby, we feel so blessed! The line they were drawing blood from quit drawing so they had to draw blood from his arm with a needle. Luckily, he was in a deep sleep and they gave him another taste of the sugar drip on his binky so he did not even move or make a peep when they stuck him with the needle and drew the blood! Mom was nervous and awaiting the scream but luckily, it never came! :)

Cael is scheduled for his CT scan to check on the Germinal Matrix today but we will not know what time until a little bit before hand. Since it is one on the "schedule," they do emergencies first and fill in the gaps with those scheduled. We plan to post the results of the CT scan later tonight, so be sure to check back!

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