Big Boy Playing! |
Check out that flexibility and that tongue! |
Tummy time on the arm of the couch. |
Happy boy tummy time. |
Bath time with Momma. |
Waldo lost his cane. |
Cael & his Mam binky! |
Sup homie? |
How grown up does he look!?!? |
Cael with his Nuk brush from his fabulous Speech Therapist. |
Using the big boy cup! |
Oh that tongue. <3 |
His excited face! |
Light up reindeer ears... not amused. |
So sleepy waiting to get his blood drawn. :( |
Momma & Cael! |
Hello Everyone! Life down here in Florida is going well. Our
little warrior is continuing to grow, learn & impress us! HE IS 8 MONTHS OLD TODAY! Can you even believe how quickly time passes? Oh how each day is a cherished blessing! When we went to
the WIC office on Tuesday, he weighed in at 17 pounds 3 ounces (with shorts
& t-shirt) and 26 ½ inches long! J Cael loves to give
high-fives & he is sitting on his own for longer periods of time. He’s much
stronger and pulls himself forward every time he sits on the couch, in his high
chair, stroller, and even tries while in the bathtub (slippery!) and car seat
(thank goodness for restraints)! Also, our little Cael officially has two
teeth! Both of his bottom front teeth popped through and are very sharp- and
wowie did this make for a cranky boy on and off but happy so say, “That’s
normal!” He is also experimenting more consistently with using “Mam” pacifiers.
It may be because he is teething but he seems to actually like them! He truly is
the best company one could ever imagine. Although he is so happy, tolerating
feeds and growing appropriately, his body is still very much recovering.
His liver enzymes continue to be very high.
Monday, November 5th Caelin had a GI appointment because he had
blood coming out through his tube with his formula when we vented him. The
nurse practitioner increased his Prevacid & Zantac in hopes it would help
the blood and we have only seen a few specs since. He also has a script for
Carafate to help his stomach if the blood continues/gets worse. On Monday he
also had follow-up labs from his vomiting spell and elevated enzymes in
September (the time that required him to be re-admitted for 6 days). His enzyme
levels nearly doubled since early October to 499 and 349 while his total total
bilirubin decreased to 1.6. Again, the GI doctor asked us if Cael has been sick
and the response was the same as in September: NO. He has not been sick. He was
never sick. No fever. No coughing. No sneezing. No runny nose. No congestion.
It is something else. We have always believed it was something else but GI
INSISTED it was a virus. So he had his blood retested on November 12th
and his enzymes were 479 and 304 with his bilirubin at 1.2. Yesterday
(Wednesday, November 14) Cael also had a follow up ultrasound, as
requested by Mommy. The radiologist read it and the GI doctor called us to tell
us the results- the liver measures normal, has normal texture, and seems to be
functioning normally. We are very thankful for that! His gallbladder still has
“sludge” in it but he has been on Actigall now for about 6 weeks and we hope it
will break down and clear out that sludge. When we were watching the ultrasound
in progress, the “sludge” looked more formed and spherical this time around
(like a stone) but as Dr. Wilsey so politely reminded us, “This is what the
radiologist does for a living.” So we will stick with “sludge.” Nonetheless,
protecting and advocating for our son is what we do for a living so we will
express as many concerns and ask as many questions as necessary. NO ONE is
right all the time, especially in the medical field; this fact has been made
clear to us time and time again.
Now that whatever is going on with Caelin’s liver
enzymes is clearly not caused by a virus, just as OUR intuition and sense told
us all along, GI has changed their diagnosis. They say it is Congestive
hepatopathy. Congestive hepatopathy is liver dysfunction caused by blood backing up into the liver (venous congestion) as a
result of right heart failure a.k.a. congestive heart failure. With everything that Caelin has been through, he has
never been classified as being in congestive heart failure so we have extremely
mixed emotions about this whole thing. Caelin’s cardiologist strongly feels it
is NOT his heart causing the liver enzymes to be high but Cael has not had an
echocardiogram or heart-related blood labs since he was in the hospital so we
are really hoping his heart has not gotten worse since the last time he got all
these tests. He is scheduled to visit cardiology on December 4th but
we are kind of wishing it were sooner because we are feeling anxious. We are
just so nervous because a similar situation like this happened in April &
May. As many of you remember, Caelin was being fed past his stomach into the
small intestine and he was not tolerating his feeds at all. GI blamed his heart
and Cardiology blamed his GI tract. While they were passing the blame for weeks,
Caelin’s feeding never got better because his heart WAS failing from an
obstruction in his Aorta. This is what made his heart so sick and so weak and
why he required 50 minutes of CPR and 48 hours of life support. We are deathly
afraid that something is being missed and we do not want to wait for it to
present itself in a similar manner. We just want our son to be healthy and live
a long and full life. We pray his heart is still healing and not digressing.
On a happier note, he did have his last speech appointment
on November 1st because he is doing well with oral tasting. During
the session his therapist introduced the Nuk brush, which is a cone-shaped
rubber, bristled brush good for teething and putting food on. Cael really likes
it! We now use it in conjunction with a spoon. When we try his bottle now, we
use the “fast” nipple so he does not have to suck so hard and he seems to
really like it. He has been practicing using a sippy cup and has used a big boy
cup a couple times to mimic Mom & Dad drinking! He likes to drink all three
ways! As a matter of fact, yesterday he went a total of 4 hours without food as
necessary for the ultrasound. Afterward, Cael drank 20 mLs from his bottle!
Although did not make up for all the lost time, it was still more than we
expected him to take by mouth! Go Cael! We also started incorporating meats
into his diet and he has since tried Turkey Apple Cranberry, Chicken &
Sweet Potatoes & Chicken Apple Compote and he has liked everything he has
tried! Mommy is sooooo happy he is not a picky eater thus far!
He will be starting Physical therapy the week after
Thanksgiving. The PT office FINALLY got visits approved and finalized but I had
to call them to get it finalized. The experience thus far with this outpatient
Physical Therapy has been very negative and I hope to find a different place
where we (specifically Cael) will have positive experiences and interactions.
It has just been tricky with our insurance changing… this month he has Humana,
next month Medicaid and January will be Blue Cross. Insurance is always a headache.
Last weekend we were blessed with taking our very first
family photos since Caelin’s birth. We met our photographer at a local park and
she is one of the most wonderful and inspirational people on this planet. Our
session was on Saturday but we met an hour and a half before Caelin normally
wakes up and he made us pay for it. ;) He was a tired little chap and so not in
the mood for getting his picture taken. Since the family photos were not the
greatest, we thought it a good idea to try photographing him on his own while
we entertained him. Definitely not one of our most brilliant moments as he was
tired, fell over and put a halt to all potential smiles. But like I mentioned,
the photographer is absolutely phenomenal and she suggested trying again the
next morning at a later time. Perhaps Mommy talked about the photo session a
bit too much because Caelin seemed to take it very seriously on Sunday, as if
he were posing for GQ, as Daddy said. He was most definitely in a better mood
and not as tired so despite his seriousness Stacia captured some really good
smiles and silly “Cael” faces. She did a fabulous job capturing our true
essence as a family and we are so thankful God sent her to us!

We are eager for the holidays to come and experiencing them
with Cael for the first time! Thanksgiving is only a week away and there are so
many people, places and things we are thankful for! At the top of our list is,
of course, our little miracle and powerful warrior, Caelin Steven. As for so
many other “Thankfuls” we have let Cael speak for our family. Because
everything he is thankful for, we are also thankful for and it is wayyy cuter
and more special coming from him! Although we are not able to share this day
with our family in Michigan, we will be able to share it with some family and
friends who live down here in Florida. Grantie Wanda invited us to share
Thanksgiving with them at her home in Melbourne and we are looking forward to
being in good company on such a special day! We are also excited for Mommy’s
best friend, Caelin’s “Auntie Sammy,” to fly down Saturday for a week and share
Thanksgiving with us! We are so blessed and do have infinite reasons to be
thankful! YOU are one of them!
Pulled himself forward like a big boy. |
Told you... GQ! |
8 Month old warrior & proud daddy! |
8 Month old warrior & proud mommy! |
Caelin's festive crib! (Not to worry, lights do not stay on throughout the night) |
Momma's light detangler. |
Eating a cracker for the first time (Momma was eating them & he kept asking for one)!... Just missing tea to go w/that pinky! |
Moved to the Bumbo because he liked the taste of it and wanted more! |
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