It has been two weeks since the last blog, so you all are
long overdue for an update! We are happy to report these last two weeks were
full of bliss, delight and more mastered milestones! The pictures pretty much speak for themselves but I will go ahead and narrate anyway! <3
Playing with his toys! |
Eating prunes.. his new favorite! LOVES them! |
Playing on his side! |
"If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands!" |
Lookin' cute in his Mickey! |
Go Tigers! Fans through wins & losses! |
Getting ready for pumpkin painting! |
Cael & Dadda... Clearly he painted more than just the pumpkin! :) |
Momma & Cael. |
The Piano Man. |
Eating his toes!!! |
Proud of his pumpkin! |
Cael with all our pumpkins! |
Daddy & Superman on his first hayride! |
Momma & Superman! |
With Frankenstein! |
Cael & Despicable Me pumpkin at DQ. |
.... It's SUPERMAN! |
Proud Parents with our Superhero. |
Audee & Superman! |
Caelin and his "I Declare" statement! |
Does this kid know how to pose or what?! |
Tummy time on Momma's leg while pulling toys out of a box! |
Caelin’s new favorite things to do are blow raspberries with
his tongue against his lips, sit up, jump, and put his feet in his mouth!
That’s right, only four days after the last blog update he started pulling his
feet more and finally got them to his mouth! His right leg is easier to pull up
because his G tube is on his left side so he often favors his right foot in his
mouth (or perhaps it tastes better?). He also waves! Because he is still
learning how to wave, he often waves when prompted then looks for approval,
then waves again with a smile. This is the sweetest thing! <3 He is still
pretty inconsistent with clapping but we are still working on it. He will clap
sometimes and then act like he has no idea what I am doing or how to copy me.
He is one stubborn cutie.
But one recent milestone that Cael has absolutely astounded
us with is his sitting ability. He has practiced sitting in his Bumbo and on
our laps with support for a while now but recently we’ve decreased the amount
of support we provide him. To our surprise, Caelin’s balance and strength have
improved so much he is able to sit on his own for several second intervals. He
can also sit while bearing his weight through his arms on the floor or an
object in front of him (he has done this for as long as 2.5 minutes
continuously). Cael often works up a sweat while doing all the work himself so
although he is often smiling, laughing, and babbling while sitting, it is clear
this exercise is tiring for him so we do not let him do it for too long. But
goodness, we are so very proud!
Going along with sitting up, he is starting to pull himself
forward while sitting in his car seat, stroller, and high chair. He is also
starting to lift his lower back and bottom up off the floor while laying- he
typically does this right before turning onto his side so it is a swift motion,
but exhibits his increased strength, nonetheless. We practice tummy time with
Cael daily. He prefers to do tummy time while lying over Mommy’s thigh, on the
Boppy, or on Mommy and Daddy’s bed and is still not a fan of being flat on the floor.
It is a challenge, but he can hold his head up off the floor and is starting to
reach and play with toys while on his belly. He holds his head up and plays
with the toys more consistently when the tummy time exercise is across Mommy’s
thigh (as seen in the picture above). He also loves to play in his jumper and
is finally starting to actually JUMP consistently while in it.
His oral feeding continues to be positive and enjoyable. His
Speech appointment for feeding was cancelled last week because his therapist
was not in on Thursday. We did go yesterday and it went really well. Cael ate
about 15mLs of prunes for her and drank 10-15 mLs from his bottle, too! We have
agreed with the therapist that feeding is going well enough at home to where we
do not have to visit weekly so it will be discontinued after next week’s
appointment. Caelin may resume in a couple months if needed once he is older,
his G tube feeds are more condensed and able to eat a wider variety of food by
He continues to get caught up on his immunizations, also,
with his first Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13) shot last week. He got the Synagis shot to protect
him from RSV, also. He did great with these (minus a few expected tears)! His
legs did not even seem to bother him this time around. And he has not gotten a
fever from an immunization yet, either, thank God!
For Caelin’s first Halloween, we partook in a few
festivities! The first thing we did was carve/paint pumpkins as a family.
Caelin loved painting his little pumpkin and putting stickers on afterward. He
started with 6 Disney stickers but decided the Minnie, Donald, and Group
stickers were not impressive enough to leave on. So he peeled them off and left
Mickey, Goofy, and Pluto. Mommy and Daddy carved Mickey and Minnie in their
pumpkins and Cael enjoyed watching them use the tools. Daddy put the gooey
pumpkin meat on Cael’s hands and watching his smile turn into a distained frown
with furrowed brows told us he was not a fan. We enjoyed reading Halloween
books and listening to/singing Halloween songs. Cael also got to watch his
Halloween episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! On Halloween we took him to
Brighthouse Field for their Boo Bash. This consisted of trick or treating
around the stadium, a haunted house, and a hayride around the field. Although
we skipped out on the haunted house, we walked him around the stadium as if he
were a trick or treater but instead of taking candy, we just showed him off in
his Superman costume! He received numerous comments and compliments on his attire!
Cael also got to see his first baseball diamond up close and personal while
enjoying his first hayride! He was pretty tired while all of this was happening
but he seemed to like the time spent with Mom and Dad while watching all the
little kids wander around (One of Cael’s favorite things to do is people watch).
After leaving the field we went to Dairy Queen and although Cael did not get a
treat from DQ, he did think the Despicable Me pumpkin was cute! Once we got
home, we took him for a walk down the street to see some Halloween festive
houses. One in particular had a lot of bright lights and inflatable lawn
figures, including Frankenstein, which Cael’s eyes were glued to. We finally
walked into the house just before 8, got Caelin into his pumpkin pajamas and he
fell fast asleep on Mommy’s lap within 10 minutes of cuddling on the couch. This
was our first holiday celebrated outside of the hospital and it was awesome!
In other news, Caelin’s Daddy has decided to travel down a
new career path and has officially accepted a new position in the medical
field. His new title is: Sean Clingan, Perfusion Assistant, PBMT (Perioperative
Blood Management Technician) one of those fancy euphemistic titles. He deals
with blood during operations. ;) For those of you who do not know, when Caelin
was on ECMO, Sean wanted to know all the details of the machine and took a
professional interest in it and the people behind it who helped save our son’s
life. This experience brought him closer with the Chief Perfusionist at All
Children’s Hospital and they have kept in contact since that heart-wrenching
day in May. Recently, a position opened in their practice and Sean embraced the
opportunity. Interesting how life’s course takes unexpected turns, especially
when good things come from the darkest of times. We once received this advice,
“God sometimes has bigger plans than we have for ourselves,” and I am truly
beginning to feel the truth in this statement and embrace it.
Thank you all so much for continuing to follow Caelin’s
journey and pray for him and our family. We are so thankful for each and every
one of you who takes the time to make our son’s life a part of theirs, as you
all have become a part of his and ours. We cannot believe he has had almost 46,000 views to his blog! Sending lots of Love & Hugs!
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