Chillin' in my Bumbo! |
Smiles! |
Sucking on my hands! |
Little Irish Golfer! |
Skyping with Daddy while he is at home sick. :( |
Kicking my feet in Momma's lap! |
Smiling at my occupational therapist, Abby! |
Playing with Uncle Tristan and Pooh. |
Snuggles with my uncle! |
Blowing bubbles and playing with toys while sitting up with OT! |
First time ever laying flat on my tummy! Go me! |
Caelin is having a great day today! He first worked on
getting stronger with occupational therapy. He loves to sit up and hold up his
head to look around. This morning with Abby, OT, he laid flat on his tummy for
the first time! We have done tummy time on the boppy before, but never flat
because of his healing chest or his RA line. He still has the RA in but Abby
and the nurse were both there so we thought we could help Caelin give it a try.
Cael was a little nervous during transitioning (rolling from back to belly then
belly to back) but did not mind laying flat on his tummy. He did not move at
first but after a little while he began kicking his legs, moving his neck, and
feeling the bed with his hands. We are so proud of him!!! He is also starting to put his binky into his mouth by himself. He has held it in for a while, but he has popped it in a few times on his own now! After OT, Caelin
napped and then Julie from speech therapy came. He took 3mLs by mouth before
falling back to sleep. Perhaps we will get to try a nipple tomorrow! Julie and
Mommy talked about Caelin after surgery and as long as the doctors approve it,
we will be starting him on spoon feeding- first apples and sweet potatoes!!!!
Mommy is super excited!
Overnight, his pressures lowered but we do not know why.
Since this happened, they came down on the Nitroprusside from 4 mcg/kg/min to 1
mcg/kg/min! We really want him to come off this medication because it has been
three weeks since he was first put on it and they do not like to leave it on
for that long with such serious potential risks of cyanide poisoning. He is not
yet exhibiting any sides of cyanide poisoning but we do not want him to get to
that point. They even did a blood gas this morning and his pH was normal (if it
were low, it would indicate acidosis which is one of the first signs of cyanide
Our little warrior is still on 54% oxygen but goes through
phases when he asleep where he does not require oxygen assistance. But as soon
as he wakes up, he needs oxygen. It’s no surprise that we are not sure why this
is. This just goes along with everything else about Caelin- cannot figure him
Caelin is up to 26 mLs at 26 calories from 25 mLs and
tolerating it just fine! He finially reached 5 kilograms on Monday, July 31st!
Woo hoo! He weighed in at 5055 grams yesterday and we still need to weigh him today. Finally, he is officially on the growth chart and is in the 3rd
percentile for weight! We want him to continue gaining weight and climbing up
that chart! Also, for almost a week he has been having some coffee
ground-looking blood excreting from his G-tube and in his mucousy, bilious
vomit in the morning. The doctors and staff are not sure what is causing this-
initially they attributed it to ulcers in his stomach; however, now they are
not sure if that is the case. And if it is, they do not know what is causing
the ulcers. The nurse practitioner is trying to get the GI doctor to come look
at him instead of just his assistant.
Caelin is feeling a little sad though because his Daddy is
sick with a cold and has not been able to come to the hospital since Monday.
Daddy chose to stay home because he does not want to get Caelin sick,
especially with such a big week next week (heart cath and surgery). They sure
do miss each other!
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