Sunday, April 15, 2012

One Month Old!

Today Caelin is one month old! A couple of the nurses have said that he actually looks older, and we would have to agree. His eyes are just always so wide and open when he is awake, he is so physically strong and mobile, and he is beginning to develop a little personality. He likes to make cat noises- he often growls, purrs, and grunts. lol He entertains us even when he is asleep. He has been doing well the past couple of days- the nurses keep commenting on how good he looks; however, yesterday (Saturday) afternoon Daddy noticed that Cael lost a lot of his color and was more pale. Having bathed Cael earlier, Mommy agreed with Daddy that he looked much more pale. At this time, his temperature was at 35.8 Celsius and his target temperature is between 36.5 and 38.0. So we bundled him up in two blankets and temporarily turned on his heating lamp while the nurse contacted the doctor.

The doctors and Cael's nurse were concerned with his loss of color and assumed it was related to him coming off the Milrinone and on too low of a dose of Enalapril. Although he lost color, his stats and pulses were still great but they put him back on the Milrinone as a precaution. But his color did not improve through the night and into the morning so they took him back off the Milrinone and increased the dose of Enalapril. Because he became so pale, he also got an echocardiogram so the Cardiologist could verify the function of his heart is just as good as it has been. After looking at the echo, the Cardiologist told us his shunt and the function of his heart looks good; however, the Triscuspid valve has some leakiness. This sounds awful but is apparently common in children with HLHS because the heart does not pump hard enough to push all the blood out, so some trickles backward- it can even happen sometimes in healthy hearts. But of course, they are continue to watch it to make sure it does not get worse because then it can become a problem.

Yesterday he was put on Decadrone, a steroid, to see if it helps with his squeaky breathing. The Decadrone will treat any left over swelling in his throat from being intubated. Dr. Pettigrew stopped in this afternoon to check on Cael and heard his squeakiness. Because it is still so strong, he is strongly suggesting Cael be looked at further with a bronchoscopy. He will not be here next week to give the order because the intensivists trade off weeks, but he will still make the suggestion. He said the procedure does have risks, but he thinks the potential benefits outweigh them.

The Vapotherm was put down to 1.0 liters of flow yesterday and was removed this morning! All day Caelin has been doing well without it, so fingers crossed that he will continue to be strong and independent! :) We are a little nervous with him being off it because the Vapotherm was helping his airway and the doctors are suspicious that his airway could have been damaged from the ventilator.

Thank you to Amy Gers and her wonderful family for the month milestone stickers! This was the first article of clothing (other than a hat and socks) that Caelin has ever worn! He is so handsome and we are so anxious to play dress up with him. All we have to say is when it's time for him to wear his "2 Month" outfit, he better be home! :D

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