Caelin had THE MOST AMAZING photo shoot on Saturday, May 4th. Thank you to my very wonderful, talented, great friend Stacia from Love Script Photography for being so good to our family and capturing these precious faces to remember always. <3
13 months... now almost 14! |
Climbing up his dresser! |
Cool little dude. |
Loving taking a lick of Mom's dum- dum! |
Caelin's new bathroom! |
Helping Dada paint! |
Cuddling with Momma on her birthday! |
Watching the sharks at the Happy Heart Party @ Clearwater Aquarium. |
Getting into mischief. |
Buh- bye condo on Sailwinds Blvd. We will miss you and forever cherish the memories made here! |
Since the last blog update, we have been struggling with
oral feeding. Cael was vomiting almost daily from 3/21/13 to 4/21/13, which is
completely out of the norm for him, and his Gastroenterologist and staff were
of no help. They blame it on reflux or a virus but we do not agree with them.
He has never been one to have severe reflux because he gets the medicines
(Prilosec & Zantac) to prevent it. When he was originally diagnosed with
GERD, his heart was failing and no one knew that; so really, it would not be a
stretch to say that he could have been misdiagnosed with GERD because his heart
was not properly perfusing the GI system. This lack of perfusion caused his
intolerance of feeds and incessant vomiting. Anyway, Sean and I think this recent
vomiting is from elevated liver enzymes. We thought about getting them tested
early (scheduled for mid-May) but didn’t end up taking him, as we were waiting
for labs from Cardiology to test for other issues like thyroid problems &
such. We have not heard from cardio further about these tests so he will get
just liver blood labs drawn next week and we will see where his liver enzyme
levels are. We just pray that it is not his heart. This time of the year last
year is when we were having the serious vomiting issues and it WAS his heart…
his aorta was obstructed causing a major pressure gradient and poor perfusion
through his body. He went to the cardiologist on March 12th and we
were told his heart looks good; that it is pumping well and his Tricuspid
regurgitation appears even less than December and that is a good thing. Since
April 21st, Caelin has been getting back to his normal eating
schedule and expanding his food preferences. He now eats canned fruits and
vegetables daily, baked beans and has even tasted baked chicken! We pray this
continues because the more real food he tolerates and enjoys, the less formula
we have to supplement. Of course, some days are better than others. He will
also eat soggy cheerios with formula now (did this to introduce this type of
texture to him) but still prefers the crunchy, dry cheerios. He drinks at least
6 ounces of formula through his straw sippy cups and some days he does even
better. I think part of the struggle with him eating food and drinking his
formula is that his stomach is still smaller than the average 13 month old. We
really hope he can tolerate condensing his night feeds so we can work to
stretch his stomach and for him to accept more food/formula during the day. J
Caelin does have an appointment in Gainsville at Shands’
liver clinic on 5/22 for a second opinion on the elevated liver enzymes. We are
hoping this drive will not be a waste and that they have more to offer than the
ACH gastroenterologists. Please pray for better insight and helpful guidance!
His physical progress is OUTSTANDING! On Sat 4/6 he walked
forward in his walker for the first time. Now that we live in a townhouse with
all wood floors, he can move more freely with his walking toys. On Sat 4/13 Cael
crawled forward for the first time and then on Mommy’s birthday (4/23) he actually crawled with several forward
movements!! On Sat 4/13 he pulled himself up onto his knees while in his
stroller and on Thurs 5/2 Daddy caught Cael standing up in his crib on his own
for the first time. Since May 2nd, Caelin has worked on standing on
his own and is able to do it while gripping Mommy/Daddy but has not built up
the confidence to pull up to standing from his knees using the couch or coffee
table. He does love to sit up on his knees and play, he will even crawl on his
knees while upright and holding onto his cube, walker, the couch or coffee
table, etc. He is now walking from one end of the couch to the other and along
any piece of furniture available. He is more comfortable walking from the left
to the right (we work with him going the opposite way) and makes it to the end
in the blink of an eye. He can also walk with his sit-to-stand walker on his
own but he goes very slowly so we like to stay right behind him with the wood
floors. The wood floors in our new home are a blessing but also a pain because
he has already had about 5 big bumps with being mobile and the wood floor is
not as forgiving as carpet. Needless to say, he now has 52 foam alphabet pieces
in his play corner to help cushion his falls.
So not only is he crawling and cruising all over the place,
he is expanding his vocabulary too and learning the names of so many things! He
newest words are “Momma,” “Buh-bye,” and “Yes.” He loves to say many other
things though, like “Dada,” “Hi!” “Yah,” and “Dah (dog).” When asked where his
body parts are located, he can identify his legs, feet, toes, hands, fingers,
eyes, nose, head, mouth, scar, and ears!!! Mommy just LOVES this! He is doing
great with identifying animals and the sounds they make. He can say what an
elephant, a lion, a snake, and a butterfly (waves his arms to fly) do. We are
working on cow, monkey, owl, dog, and cat, too! J Each day he astonishes
us with what his abilities, his knowledge, and how quickly he learns new
tricks. LOVE IT!
Since the
beginning of April he has been giving Mommy trouble with taking naps because he
just wants to play. Even when he is exhausted and can hardly keep his eyes
open, he will sit up in his crib and attempt to get out through the bars, play
with his blankets and binkies, or turn the pages on his music box.
Our trip to Michigan is still on! We plan to be there from
June 8th until June 15th and are so excited to see all of
our family and friends. We are excited for Cael to meet all the people we love
and who love us! J
Please pray for Cardiology clearance on May 21st and safe traveling!
Speaking of May 21st, that is the anniversary of ECMO. Cannot
believe it has been almost a year since our little man endured a cardiac
arrest, requiring CPR and life support! If someone, anyone, would have told me
a year ago that my son would be mobile and talking today I would not have
believed that person. Even if it were The Lord himself, I would have had my
doubts because our days were clouded with so much darkness and sickness. I pray
every day giving thanks to God for wrapping his loving arms around our son,
then sending him back to experience a happy, healthy life with us.
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